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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Lagkagehuset

    Head Baker for Lagkagehuset in Haderslev

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking on behalf of Lagkagehuset A/S in Haderslev for a Head Baker with change management skills, the will to lead, strong overview and results orientation to strengthen daily operations.

  • Company: AKV AmbA

    Commercial Manager for AKV – Food Ingredients

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking for a Commercial Manager to join AKV’s Global Sales & Application Center in Agro Food Park in Aarhus. The Commercial Manager will be responsible for regional strategic planning, overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of commercial capabilities across the target markets in a region, that is interest-ing for AKV.

  • Company: Christeyns

    Salgschef til Christeyns Danmark – Food Hygiene

    Foodjob Nordic søger en salgschef til Christeyns Danmark. Christeyns Food Hygiene er specialister i innovative hygiejneløsninger og sælger rengørings- og desinfektionsmidler, hygiejneudstyr samt ser-viceydelser til virksomheder i den fødevareforarbejdende industri.

  • Company: Fomaco

    Rejsevant Service Engineer til Fomaco A/S

    Som Service Engineer hos Fomaco bidrager du til, at Fomaco kan levere et højt serviceniveau til kunderne. Du yder support eller rejser ud og servicerer og installerer udstyr i ind- og udland.

  • Company: Lallemand

    Quality Manager for Lallemand EMEA Baking

    Foodjob Nordic is looking on behalf of Lallemand EMEA Baking for a Manager responsible for Quality Assurance and Quality Control to continue the journey to constantly improve on the quality of all aspects of operations across the EMEA region.

Are interviews a thing of the past? – Embracing the future

It's no secret that we live in the age of technology, where development is largely driven by data - and new ways of combining and using data. In the recruitment business, the opportunities are particularly interesting as much of our work is based on being able to gather and analyze this data, and thus get the best match between candidate and company.

We are beginning to see real-life possibilities within Artifical Intelligence (AI), where properly set algorithms that can solve this task, challenges our industry. Therefore, we in Foodjob Nordic always keep an eye on new trends and consider the possibilities technology has to offer. The possibilities could make the search for candidates even more accurate and we would be able to offer our customers an even more comprehensive search.

The personal meeting
However, the personal meeting and the close contact with our clients is still a key aspect of our work. We take great pride in having a close relationship with our clients, the industry and our candidates. We take the time to listen and understand, time to study and learn, and time to simply communicate. We believe that there is a value in this no algorithm will be able to identify.

Today, the personal meeting is a key element of our work: the job interview. But this too is changing. Organizational psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic states in the article “What if we killed the job interview?” that job interviews may not be the best indicator of how a candidate will behave in the job and that there are many other factors to consider.

Foodjob Nordic consultant Paul Moinel comments on this point of view: “I cannot imagine our recruitment process without interviewing candidates. I think it’s incredibly important to do assessments and I’m having a hard time thinking about what could replace it. You can see and sense so many things when you interview a candidate. Obviously, a lot has to do with the context of what they are talking about, but another major part for me is about instinct, knowing your client’s company culture and determining if it would be a match with the candidate.”

Job simulation
Instead, Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic recommends job simulations that will be a clearer indicator of how a person will solve a given task.

Job simulation is something we have implemented at Foodjob Nordic. Our work with both FoodTech Challenge and Agromek Student Challenge – where students or graduates are “hired” by the company for 3-4 days to solve a concrete case – shows us that this model works well for both parties. The company is given the opportunity to experience the candidates over a longer period, and the candidates gain a deeper insight into the company.

This is especially beneficial for younger candidates: it is a good opportunity for them to put their knowledge into play, as extensive past job experiences may not be available. Having to solve a specific task can help the company understand what skills the candidate can bring.

At Foodjob Nordic we always match our process with our clients’ needs and wishes, never losing sight of our core value: being close. Technology offers us new tools to find the right candidates and to improve our process so that we can focus on what we do best – knowing our clients’ needs and matching them with the right candidate.

Is the classic job interview dead – perhaps… Can humans be replaced by technology – not at all! The world is constantly evolving, and we are evolving along with it.