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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Anonymous

    Sales Manager – Specialty Chemicals

    Foodjob Nordic søger en erfaren Sales Manager, som er bosiddende i Danmark. Du vil overtage en stabil og bred kundeportefølje og skal samtidig være glad for at skabe nye relationer til fremtidige samarbejdspartnere.

  • Company: Royal Greenland

    Packaging Developer – Innovation for Royal Greenland

    Foodjob Nordic søger på vegne af Royal Greenland en engageret og erfaren Packaging Developer. I denne stilling vil du få ansvar for at udvikle, optimere og implementere innovative emballageløsninger, der lever op til de højeste standarder inden for produktkvalitet og bæredygtighed

  • Company: Carnad A/S

    Produktionschef – fødevareingredienser

    For Carnad A/S i Løgstør søger Foodjob Nordic nu en dygtig Produktionschef for at styrke fokus omkring optimering, produktionsmål og processtyring.

  • Company: EASIS A/S

    Supply Chain Manager til EASIS A/S

    Lederstilling med fokus på optimering, koordinering og daglig eksekvering

  • Company: Nordex Food

    Mejerichef – NØRAGER MEJERI

    Er du en erfaren leder inden for mejeriindustrien, der brænder for at optimere og udvikle produktion samtidig med, at du har fokus på drift og omkostningsstyring? Foodjob Nordic søger på vegne af NORDEX FOOD en dygtig Mejerichef til en veldrevet og moderne produktionsfacilitet i Nørager.

Storage and use of your data

  • We use HR Manager as recruitment system and CV database. We have a data processor agreement with HR Manager, to make sure they process your data correct.
  • When applying for a position in our system you are automatically added to our database but can be deleted at any times (Guide on how to be deleted here)
  • After registering for a job or submitting your CV in our database, all applicants receive a confirmation mail. Please contact the consultant responsible for the position, if you do not receive a confirmation mail – remember to check spam-filter.
  • The data we store in HR Manager is being used for recruitment purpose only – read our privacy policy here.
  • The registration of CVs and applications in our database is important because we only store information about candidates digitally. If you submit your CV and/or application via e-mail to one of our consultants, we will register your information in HR Manager, after having your consent to do so. Afterwards, your CV and/or application will be deleted in our inboxes and from our computers.
  • If moving on to interviews with our clients, we will share your CV and/or application with the company representative – usually through HR Manager. We have a data processing agreement with all our clients – this means your data is protected and is not shared with third parties without your consent. In every step of the recruitment process you will know what data is being shared with whom via weekly updates from the responsible recruitment consultant from Foodjob Nordic.
  • We do not store your data more than 6 months – and 4 weeks before your data is being deleted in our system, we will automatically send you an email with a reminder to update your status. If you do not react to this, your data will be deleted in our system after the 4 weeks. When applying or submitting your CV and/or application you will be made aware of the storage time.
  • At all times you can have insights to the registered data we have in our system about you or if you have any questions about storage and/ or use of your data, please contact the responsible consultant from Foodjob Nordic or [email protected]