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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Anonymous

    Sales Manager – Specialty Chemicals

    Foodjob Nordic søger en erfaren Sales Manager, som er bosiddende i Danmark. Du vil overtage en stabil og bred kundeportefølje og skal samtidig være glad for at skabe nye relationer til fremtidige samarbejdspartnere.

  • Company: Royal Greenland

    Packaging Developer – Innovation for Royal Greenland

    Foodjob Nordic søger på vegne af Royal Greenland en engageret og erfaren Packaging Developer. I denne stilling vil du få ansvar for at udvikle, optimere og implementere innovative emballageløsninger, der lever op til de højeste standarder inden for produktkvalitet og bæredygtighed

  • Company: Carnad A/S

    Produktionschef – fødevareingredienser

    For Carnad A/S i Løgstør søger Foodjob Nordic nu en dygtig Produktionschef for at styrke fokus omkring optimering, produktionsmål og processtyring.

  • Company: EASIS A/S

    Supply Chain Manager til EASIS A/S

    Lederstilling med fokus på optimering, koordinering og daglig eksekvering

  • Company: Nordex Food

    Mejerichef – NØRAGER MEJERI

    Er du en erfaren leder inden for mejeriindustrien, der brænder for at optimere og udvikle produktion samtidig med, at du har fokus på drift og omkostningsstyring? Foodjob Nordic søger på vegne af NORDEX FOOD en dygtig Mejerichef til en veldrevet og moderne produktionsfacilitet i Nørager.

Privacy policy for candidates

At Foodjob Nordic we know, that it can be a hard decision to change your job. To apply for a position or submit your CV with personal data about education, working experience etc. to a recruitment company builds on trust. Therefore, we want to underline that Foodjob Nordic guarantees that information we receive from you as candidate will be treated in full confidentiality.

Here on our homepage you will find a description of our recruitment process along with other useful information and tips on how to write a CV and application. Read more about our recruitment process here.

In the section below we have listed information about your rights, what your data is used for, storage of your data, how to delete, change and transfer your data and information about your safety in case of a breach on our systems.

Your rights as a candidate at Foodjob Nordic
(According to the new General Data Protection Regulations your rights are stated as follows)

  • Right to be informed that your information is collected and processed
  • Right to at any time gain insight into how your information is processed
  • Right to correct incorrect data about you and limit the process
  • Right to delete your data
  • Right to object to the processing and disclosure of your information
  • Right to receive your data
  • Right to revoke your consent
  • Right to appeal to the Data Protection Agency

Storage and use of your data in Foodjob Nordic’s recruitment process
We use HR Manager as our recruitment system and CV database. We have a data processing agreement in place with HR Manager, which we continually ensure is in compliance with our data protection agreement.

When you apply for a job through Foodjob Nordic, you will automatically be added to our HR Manager system. Here you create a profile where you can log in and edit information and documents at all times. We have created a guide on our website on how to edit information and documents under your HR Manager profile, as well as how to be deleted from the system. Guide to editing, deleting and transferring information.

After registering your application and your resume in our system, you will receive a confirmation email. Please contact the consultant in charge for the job if you do not receive an email confirming your application. Remember to check the spam filter in your inbox.

The registration of CVs and applications in HR Manager is important as we only store CVs and applications digitally. If you submit your resume or your application by email, we will – with your consent –  register you in HR Manager in the general CV database and possibly in connection with a vacant position. Subsequently, your documents and information will be deleted from our inboxes and from our computers.

If you have applied for a specific job and are considered relevant by the hiring company, your resume and your application will be shared with the company representative from the hiring company. The same applies if you have agreed to share your resume with a company where the purpose is to assess if the company in question could be interested in hiring you. Typically, the disclosure of your information is through our HR Manager system, so all your data remains in the system and unnecessary sharing of your data is avoided. We also have a data processing agreement with all our clients, that states that the client/potential hiring company processes your data with confidentiality and in accordance with the data protection law. As a candidate at Foodjob Nordic you always have the opportunity to be informed about how your information is shared, and please contact us if you wish to receive information.

As a general guideline, we store your data in our HR Manager system for a maximum of six months. Four weeks before your data is deleted from our system, you will automatically receive an email from us. Here you can either agree to continue your profile or choose to be deleted from the system. If you do nothing, your information will automatically be deleted from our system. You can edit or delete your information at any time by logging in to the HR Manager system with your personal password and the code you received when you applied or created a profile. If you are having trouble signing in, please contact us via email or phone number as stated below. We do not store your personal login and password to HR Manager, but HR Manager has the option to reset it.

Our purpose of using data
In our recruitment system HR Manager, we can search through all of our candidates in the CV database. The search method helps our consultants identify the most suitable candidates for each recruitment assignment.

Foodjob Nordic’s consultants can do a search based on the information you provide as a candidate when applying for a job – e.g. name. In addition, Foodjob Nordic can do a search in all documents that you upload to the system.

You can always ask for insight into what we have registered about you in our systems. If you have questions about this, please contact us through the information below.

Personal information
Information sent to Foodjob Nordic should be precise and cannot violate copyright, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, break the law, the law of competition or other applicable provisions, official regulations, third party’s rights in general or public politics.

Please note that you undertake to indemnify us against any claims made against us because of the fact that you have not prevented illegal content from appearing in any of the information you have provided us with.

Personal data is:
Name, contact information, application, CV, employment history, education, training, grades, pictures, gender, citizenship, marital status, children, living situation, place of birth, profile, test results, references

Sensitive personal data is:
Biometrical information, CPR-number (the last four digits), union, genetic information, health information, political conviction, race, ethnicity, religion/ philosophical conviction, sexual orientation/sexual relations, criminal record, major social issues.

Sensitive personal data as describes above cannot be sent or given to Foodjob Nordic as it often has no relevance compared to the purpose of our recruitment process (exceptions can be made).

Our procedure when receiving CVs and/or applications with sensitive personal data:
If we receive applications and/or CVs with, for us, not relevant sensitive information – for example, the last four digits of your CPR number, we will contact you, and ask you to send us a new document without sensitive information. This is a necessary procedure to comply with the GDPR legislation.

How to be deleted from the system?
On our website, we have made a guide for candidates on how to edit, delete and transfer data in our HR-Manager system – find the guide here.

Foodjob Nordic’s procedures in case of security breach:
All employees at Foodjob Nordic has a personal login for a personal computer and all employees are working on encrypted servers including encrypted email programs.

If a data security breach should happen at Foodjob Nordic, we have an internal task force that consists of the data responsible, the IT and web responsible, and the responsible consultant for the recruitment project. As data responsible, Foodjob Nordic has an obligation to report any data security breach to the Danish Data Protection Agency within 72 hours. Within this period the taskforce will, possibly in corporation with the data processor involved in the specific case, find out where the breach has occurred, contact the registered person(s), find a solution and secure a new procedure to prevent the breach happening again.

Consent when applying
When you apply for a job through HR Manager, you accept that we register and collect the personal information you provide us with in your application with exhibits including any video presentation and photos, in your resume, and otherwise.

We may share your application with our employees involved in the recruitment and third parties who assist us in the recruitment process, including recruitment companies, providers of personality tests, etc.

We keep your application and any other information you have provided to us until the recruitment process has been completed and for a period thereafter for as long as we consider your application relevant to us, but under no circumstances for longer than 6 months.

By submitting your personal data and application, you:

  1. declare that you have read, understood and accepted our Privacy Policy
  2. are declaring that the information submitted to us is complete and true to the best of your knowledge, and understand that deliberate omissions and incorrect statements could lead to your application being rejected or to your later dismissal
  3. are giving your free consent to the processing of the submitted and later collected information

If you have any questions regarding the storage of your data, our use of these, our processes or a similar, please contact us via the contact information below.

If you want to learn more about the new and expanded GDPR regulation, read more here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_da

Good luck in your job search.

Contact information:
Foodjob Nordic ApS
Agro Food Park 13
8200 Aarhus N.
Phone: +45 7070 7519
Mail: [email protected]