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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Anonymous

    Salgsansvarlig – Agro & Biogas

    Foodjob Nordic søger nu en ambitiøs Salgsansvarlig på vegne af en markedsledende virksomhed inden for teknisk løsningssalg til landbrug og agroindustri. Virksomheden ligger i Midtjylland, har en yderst stærk markedsposition, og tilbyder high-end løsninger inden for miljøteknologi.

  • Company: Kjargaarden

    Produktionsleder til markbrug med fokus på kartoffelproduktion

    Har du en passion for kartofler, og vil du være med til at skabe resultater?

  • Company: Nordic Kingfish

    Sales Manager – Nordic Kingfish

    Do you want to play a key role in bringing premium, sustainable seafood to European markets? On behalf of our client, Nordic Kingfish, Foodjob Nordic is seeking an ambitious and results-driven Sales Manager to help drive sales to key accounts across Europe.

  • Company: Nordex Food

    Quality Assurance Manager – NORDEX FOOD

    Foodjob Nordic is recruiting an experienced Quality Assurance Manager on behalf of NORDEX FOOD for their advanced dairy production facility in Pöggstall, Austria. NORDEX FOOD is a global leader in specialty cheese production, renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation.

  • Company: Carnad A/S

    Produktionschef – fødevareingredienser

    For Carnad A/S i Løgstør søger Foodjob Nordic nu en dygtig Produktionschef for at styrke fokus omkring optimering, produktionsmål og processtyring.

How to find the right job in the food industry?

It can feel like an almost impossible task to structure your job search and select potential employers among the many companies in the food industry. Many job seekers benefit from a systematic approach that starts with identifying their wishes and requirements for a future job and employer. This will make you better prepared for a targeted job search. A variety of tools are available to help you. How much time and effort you put into it depends on you and your situation.

Below is our suggestion for carrying out a job analysis – to determine what a job involves and whether it’s the right job for you. It’s not a list you need to follow from beginning to end. Just pick the elements that make sense to you.

When starting your job search, we recommend that you:

  • Search online for information about job descriptions, training plans and so on.
  • Ask people in your network about the qualities they think you possess. Consider: do I have the right qualities to carry out key tasks; which activities does the job actually involve; and what types of collaboration does it require?
  • Then write a description of your dream job. Ask key people – executives and potential colleagues – to read and comment on it. Correct parts that are unclear and carry out further research as necessary.

What to consider when making a job analysis

  • Job title –think of the possibilities and headlines.
  • Purpose – what are the most important tasks and responsibilities in the job description?
  • Features – what main activities does the job involve?
  • Organisational aspects – do you work better in a hierarchical organisation or in a matrix organisation?
  • Other aspects – what about work environment, career opportunities, management approach and salary expectations?