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Currently we have 7 positions!

  • Company: Vestey Foods International

    Commercial Manager

    Kommerciel rolle til udvikling af Mellemøsten - Fødevarehandel

  • Company: Fomaco

    Service Engineer til Fomaco A/S

    Som Service Engineer hos Fomaco bidrager du til, at Fomaco kan levere et højt serviceniveau til kunderne. Du yder support eller rejser ud og servicerer og installerer udstyr i ind- og udland.

  • Company: AKV AmbA

    Shipping Manager til fødevareingrediensvirksomhed i vækst

    Foodjob Nordic søger for AKV Langholt A.m.b.A. en dygtig og driftsstærk leder med baggrund inden for international søfragt til en spændende og udfordrende stilling, der skal styrke virksomhedens ledelseskraft, organisation og kompetencer inden for logistik.

  • Company: Lantmännen Unibake

    Salgschef til foodservice-teamet

    Foodjob Nordic søger en Salgschef til Lantmännen Unibake Danmark - markedsledende leveran-dør af brødprodukter til institutioner, kantiner, hoteller, cafeer og restauranter m.m. Virksomheden har et særligt fokus på foodservice og planer om at udvide positionen i markedet.

  • Company: Food & Bio Cluster Denmark

    Business Development Manager hos Food & Bio Cluster Denmark

    Tag næste skridt i din karriere og bliv en del af en spændende rejse mod en mere bæredygtig fremtid for fødevareerhvervet! Er du passioneret omkring at skabe fremtidens løsninger indenfor agroindustrien? Så er du måske den Business Development Manager, vi leder efter til vores dynamiske team i Foulum ved Viborg.

Foodjob Nordic and GDPR

The data we provide you about the candidates is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679).

The GDPR concerns how companies treat and use personal data belonging to EU citizens. In other words, it is a regulation of how individuals, companies and organizations may obtain, use, store, and delete personal data. As a recruitment company who handle and exchange personal data we are subject to data protection laws.

Therefore, when working with us we use a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) for all clients to make sure that no sensitive information about employees, companies and candidates are misused or stored unnecessary. The agreement will be presented to you alongside with the offer from our consultants.

We have DPA’s or similar agreements with all our clients, suppliers and data processors, and we are frequently making sure that we and they comply with the legislation and our terms and conditions. Foodjob Nordic has implemented the necessary precautions with regards to secure procedures, encryption of data and transparency in data processing. If a data breach should occur at one of our data processors, we have established procedures to identify the character of the breach, the affected data registrations, identifying the consequences of the breach and measures made to handle the breach and to limit the possible damaging effects in cooperation with the authorities. Please contact us to learn more about Foodjob Nordic’s ways of working with GDPR and to learn more about GDPR in general.

Read more about GDPR here.