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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Anonymous

    Salgsansvarlig – Agro & Biogas

    Foodjob Nordic søger nu en ambitiøs Salgsansvarlig på vegne af en markedsledende virksomhed inden for teknisk løsningssalg til landbrug og agroindustri. Virksomheden ligger i Midtjylland, har en yderst stærk markedsposition, og tilbyder high-end løsninger inden for miljøteknologi.

  • Company: Kjargaarden

    Produktionsleder til markbrug med fokus på kartoffelproduktion

    Har du en passion for kartofler, og vil du være med til at skabe resultater?

  • Company: Nordic Kingfish

    Sales Manager – Nordic Kingfish

    Do you want to play a key role in bringing premium, sustainable seafood to European markets? On behalf of our client, Nordic Kingfish, Foodjob Nordic is seeking an ambitious and results-driven Sales Manager to help drive sales to key accounts across Europe.

  • Company: Nordex Food

    Quality Assurance Manager – NORDEX FOOD

    Foodjob Nordic is recruiting an experienced Quality Assurance Manager on behalf of NORDEX FOOD for their advanced dairy production facility in Pöggstall, Austria. NORDEX FOOD is a global leader in specialty cheese production, renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation.

  • Company: Carnad A/S

    Produktionschef – fødevareingredienser

    For Carnad A/S i Løgstør søger Foodjob Nordic nu en dygtig Produktionschef for at styrke fokus omkring optimering, produktionsmål og processtyring.

Personal data and sensitive data

Personal data is:
Name, contact information, application, CV, employment history, education, training, grades, pictures, gender, citizenship, marital status, children, living situation, place of birth, profile, test results, references

Sensitive personal data is:
Biometrical information, CPR-number (the last four digits), union, genetic information, health information, political conviction, race, ethnicity, religion/ philosophical conviction, sexual orientation/sexual relations, criminal record, major social issues.

Sensitive personal data as describes above cannot be send or given to Foodjob Nordic as it often has no relevance compared to the purpose of our recruitment process of the information (exceptions can be made).

Our procedure when receiving CVs and/or applications with sensitive personal data:
If we receive applications and/or CVs with, for us, not relevant sensitive information – for example, the last four digits of your CPR-number, we will contact you, and ask you to send us a new document without sensitive information. This is a necessary procedure to comply with the GDPR legislation.