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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Anonymous

    Sales Manager – Specialty Chemicals

    Foodjob Nordic søger en erfaren Sales Manager, som er bosiddende i Danmark. Du vil overtage en stabil og bred kundeportefølje og skal samtidig være glad for at skabe nye relationer til fremtidige samarbejdspartnere.

  • Company: Royal Greenland

    Packaging Developer – Innovation for Royal Greenland

    Foodjob Nordic søger på vegne af Royal Greenland en engageret og erfaren Packaging Developer. I denne stilling vil du få ansvar for at udvikle, optimere og implementere innovative emballageløsninger, der lever op til de højeste standarder inden for produktkvalitet og bæredygtighed

  • Company: Carnad A/S

    Produktionschef – fødevareingredienser

    For Carnad A/S i Løgstør søger Foodjob Nordic nu en dygtig Produktionschef for at styrke fokus omkring optimering, produktionsmål og processtyring.

  • Company: EASIS A/S

    Supply Chain Manager til EASIS A/S

    Lederstilling med fokus på optimering, koordinering og daglig eksekvering

  • Company: Nordex Food

    Mejerichef – NØRAGER MEJERI

    Er du en erfaren leder inden for mejeriindustrien, der brænder for at optimere og udvikle produktion samtidig med, at du har fokus på drift og omkostningsstyring? Foodjob Nordic søger på vegne af NORDEX FOOD en dygtig Mejerichef til en veldrevet og moderne produktionsfacilitet i Nørager.

Student Testimonials

– Ngareta Mason, BA Food Science, University of Auckland, Team Fermentationexperts

“The opportunity to participate in the InnovateFood Challenge 2017 was a unique and exciting learning experience.  I really enjoyed the challenge of finding the best ways in which to apply my theoretical understanding of certain concepts to the real world scenarios that were placed in front of us. One of the greatest successes of the Student Challenge was the involvement of industry experts as well as the diversity of students who participated in the challenge. The authenticity of these interactions made for great collaborative team work and  created the foundation for genuine and wide reaching networking experiences.”


– Mateusz Ciasnocha, Master in Energy Management student at ESCP Europe Business School, Team KMC


“I am grateful that Foodjob Nordic has given me the opportunity to take part in InnovateFood Challenge, which gave me critical experience on my path to a career in global agricultural sector and I am looking forward to seeing the effects of KMC’s further work on our recommendations.”




– Mirna Estrada, MA Communication & Cognition Student, Københavns Universitet, Team Arla

“The Innovate Food Challenge 2017 was a wholesome experience in so many levels. It was empowering to find a common ground with students, graduates and staff from
different disciplines and, it was a great opportunity to network with the professionals in the industry today and the future professionals. The four-day competition was both exhausting and stimulating; we were on a tight schedule but had a great network of support. The tight selection process, personality assessment and screening of participants resulted in teams that were fun, cohesive, and collaborative.  Our little team of strangers became attached and attuned throughout the course of the challenge. I had the experience of a lifetime and made friends for life!”

– Fanni Lengyel, Graduate in Brand Management and Marketing Communication, Team Chr. Hansen

“Working on a real-life business challenge of a large company has been especially exciting in a team of food enthusiasts with diverse educational backgrounds. The support we got during the way both from the company and the event organizers went above and beyond my expectations. The Innovate Food Challenge case competition was not only a great way to work on an exciting company challenge in teams, but also a unique opportunity to network with people working in the food industry and all in all – an unforgettable experience.”



– Rohan Baskaran, Scientist at Mondelez International in Poland R&D Technical Centre. Team Tulip/DC Ingredients

“I just got a job at Mondelez International as Scientist I at Poland R&D Technical Centre. And I felt Foodjob Nordic gave me an opportunity at this years InnovateFood Challenge. It has helped me not just professionally but personally as well with special personality test feedbacks, reiterating my positives moving forward in my career. Moreover, I am even more happy to have made some amazing friends being at this event. Further, there has been discussions and questions on the project carried out at the InnovateFood Conference in my interviews which shows the importance of such interesting projects. I once again thank the Foodjob Nordic team for all your expert guidance and insights shared.”