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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Lagkagehuset

    Head Baker for Lagkagehuset in Haderslev

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking on behalf of Lagkagehuset A/S in Haderslev for a Head Baker with change management skills, the will to lead, strong overview and results orientation to strengthen daily operations.

  • Company: AKV AmbA

    Commercial Manager for AKV – Food Ingredients

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking for a Commercial Manager to join AKV’s Global Sales & Application Center in Agro Food Park in Aarhus. The Commercial Manager will be responsible for regional strategic planning, overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of commercial capabilities across the target markets in a region, that is interest-ing for AKV.

  • Company: Christeyns

    Salgschef til Christeyns Danmark – Food Hygiene

    Foodjob Nordic søger en salgschef til Christeyns Danmark. Christeyns Food Hygiene er specialister i innovative hygiejneløsninger og sælger rengørings- og desinfektionsmidler, hygiejneudstyr samt ser-viceydelser til virksomheder i den fødevareforarbejdende industri.

  • Company: Fomaco

    Rejsevant Service Engineer til Fomaco A/S

    Som Service Engineer hos Fomaco bidrager du til, at Fomaco kan levere et højt serviceniveau til kunderne. Du yder support eller rejser ud og servicerer og installerer udstyr i ind- og udland.

  • Company: Lallemand

    Quality Manager for Lallemand EMEA Baking

    Foodjob Nordic is looking on behalf of Lallemand EMEA Baking for a Manager responsible for Quality Assurance and Quality Control to continue the journey to constantly improve on the quality of all aspects of operations across the EMEA region.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Giving back to the bees

In our work we find ourselves in an interesting cross field between people, business and nature.

All three are key parts in the machinery that keeps society running. It is thus a gratifying feeling to move on from the traditional company Christmas gifts and instead give back to some of those that help ensure that both people and nature get the chance they deserve again this year.

For the past two years we have donated to BISTAD, a socio-economic project that helps vulnerable citizens find work. A job that not only helps them but helps nature as well. BISTAD is a project that, through the work of caring for beehives and producing honey, helps vulnerable citizens to a meaningful everyday life.

In addition to providing the individual with an increased quality of life, there are also societal benefits in providing work to vulnerable citizens. The increased quality of life can improve overall health and thus lessen the need for doctoral visits, medication etc. At BISTAD, they lift multifaceted: they help the bees and the people.

Foodjob Nordic CEO Mads Kinch Clemmensen: “We are proud to be able to donate to such an important cause as BISTAD and it makes sense for us to support a project that operates in the very same cross field as us: between people, nature and business.”

Over 1/3 of our food production depends on pollination from the bees. It is therefore important and not without consequences when the world’s bees are under pressure. Bees are in food shortages due to human intervention and the use of pesticides. Because we have helped create the problem, we must also help to solve it.

The value of bees – in addition to the honey they produce – is estimated to be about 1 billion annually (source: Dansk Jordbrug forskning). The bees are therefore too valuable not to try. The same can be said about people.

BISTAD has beehives at several locations in Jutland and their head office is in Aarhus. Here they produce the finished products and prepare packages. In a global context, Bistad’s work also makes sense, as it contributes to 7 out of the 17 UN sustainable development goals set in 2015. World goals we all should try to meet.

BISTAD is experiencing a great demand and is very busy getting ready for the Christmas sale. In fact, their products are so popular that they have difficulty keeping up.

We have visited BISTAD to have a chat with the manager Lene Kiel Jensen and see the production. BISTAD is located in Aarhus in facilities made available by the municipality of Aarhus. Here they produce and pack all their products. Their portfolio consists of, among other things, honey, different types of candles, wrap, wax, and their honey is also included in other products such as beer and gin. They sell their products through their website and have several retailers too. In addition, as a company, you can buy a sponsorship of Bistad and, depending on the size of the sponsorship, you can get a beehive set up with your company. BISTAD then tends to the bees and it does not get more locally produced than that.

Manager Lene Kiel Jensen: “We are busy bees in here too, and we could use an extra set of hands to keep up with the demand. But some of what we excel at here at BISTAD with people would be lost if we grew too much. The special sense of community and closeness we have here are some of the key aspects that adds value and help lift the citizens. “

And you can clearly feel that there is a feeling of presence and community in the Bistad office and a relaxed atmosphere. There are about 10 employees working with, among other things, producing lights, making beeswax wraps and packing goods. But there is always room and time for a break and a cup of coffee in good company.

If you are interested in learning more about BISTAD, their work and products go to www.bistad.dk.

Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us at Foodjob Nordic!