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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Lagkagehuset

    Head Baker for Lagkagehuset in Haderslev

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking on behalf of Lagkagehuset A/S in Haderslev for a Head Baker with change management skills, the will to lead, strong overview and results orientation to strengthen daily operations.

  • Company: AKV AmbA

    Commercial Manager for AKV – Food Ingredients

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking for a Commercial Manager to join AKV’s Global Sales & Application Center in Agro Food Park in Aarhus. The Commercial Manager will be responsible for regional strategic planning, overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of commercial capabilities across the target markets in a region, that is interest-ing for AKV.

  • Company: Christeyns

    Salgschef til Christeyns Danmark – Food Hygiene

    Foodjob Nordic søger en salgschef til Christeyns Danmark. Christeyns Food Hygiene er specialister i innovative hygiejneløsninger og sælger rengørings- og desinfektionsmidler, hygiejneudstyr samt ser-viceydelser til virksomheder i den fødevareforarbejdende industri.

  • Company: Fomaco

    Rejsevant Service Engineer til Fomaco A/S

    Som Service Engineer hos Fomaco bidrager du til, at Fomaco kan levere et højt serviceniveau til kunderne. Du yder support eller rejser ud og servicerer og installerer udstyr i ind- og udland.

  • Company: Lallemand

    Quality Manager for Lallemand EMEA Baking

    Foodjob Nordic is looking on behalf of Lallemand EMEA Baking for a Manager responsible for Quality Assurance and Quality Control to continue the journey to constantly improve on the quality of all aspects of operations across the EMEA region.

Talent and Career Day At Agro Food Park

Agro Food Park offer again this year, a unique opportunity for students or recent graduates, to meet with the food industry in Central Jutland.

We repeat our success from last year event – and invite you to Career Day, at Agro Food Park on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.
Invest and spend a few hours in your career statement and engage in dialogue with representatives of various companies in the food or agriculture industry.

Get past Foodjob Nordic’s booth and let us help you with your statement of where the opportunities are for you. Finally, on our workshop, you can become clearer about what we and the companies are looking for, when recruiting young students and recent graduates. You will get the chance to meet more than 25 of the leading companies within the food or agricultural business, network with other students.

We hope to see you on September 25th at our homebased in Agro Food Park. Everyone is welcome from 1 pm.

Find the program for Career day here: https://www.agrofoodpark.dk/cubic-meter-innovation-og-netvaerk/arrangementer/career-day