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Currently we have 10 positions!

  • Company: Lagkagehuset

    Head Baker for Lagkagehuset in Haderslev

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking on behalf of Lagkagehuset A/S in Haderslev for a Head Baker with change management skills, the will to lead, strong overview and results orientation to strengthen daily operations.

  • Company: AKV AmbA

    Commercial Manager for AKV – Food Ingredients

    Foodjob Nordic is now looking for a Commercial Manager to join AKV’s Global Sales & Application Center in Agro Food Park in Aarhus. The Commercial Manager will be responsible for regional strategic planning, overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of commercial capabilities across the target markets in a region, that is interest-ing for AKV.

  • Company: Christeyns

    Salgschef til Christeyns Danmark – Food Hygiene

    Foodjob Nordic søger en salgschef til Christeyns Danmark. Christeyns Food Hygiene er specialister i innovative hygiejneløsninger og sælger rengørings- og desinfektionsmidler, hygiejneudstyr samt ser-viceydelser til virksomheder i den fødevareforarbejdende industri.

  • Company: Fomaco

    Rejsevant Service Engineer til Fomaco A/S

    Som Service Engineer hos Fomaco bidrager du til, at Fomaco kan levere et højt serviceniveau til kunderne. Du yder support eller rejser ud og servicerer og installerer udstyr i ind- og udland.

  • Company: Lallemand

    Quality Manager for Lallemand EMEA Baking

    Foodjob Nordic is looking on behalf of Lallemand EMEA Baking for a Manager responsible for Quality Assurance and Quality Control to continue the journey to constantly improve on the quality of all aspects of operations across the EMEA region.

Have a great Summer!

The sun is out, the summer is over us and Foodjob Nordic hopes that everyone will enjoy the summer holiday.

The first six months of 2019 are in the rear-view mirror and summer holiday is approaching fast for our small team and the Nordic food industry. The business has  been more volatile and challenging than for many years but is generally still buzzing with more than 20 closed management recruitment assignments but also a lot of bumps with sudden stops to almost all activity in some major companies the food sector. The food industry job market is overall still very active and buzzing with activity, but we are really interested and concerned to see, if this continues in the second half of 2019, since dark clouds are looming for the sector and the World economy too. We hope that this will clear out like the weather forecast for the summer ahead!

Another interesting development is that the high activity of acquisitions and mergers in our industry is still going at rapid speed, making the market ever more and more consolidated and polarized. This emphasizes the importance of being real food industry specialists and having real insights into people and organizational matters, since the pace of the business is constantly accelerating making the combination of speed and quality as paramount values for us at the moment. I expect this trend only to grow in the years to come, challenging our procedures and resources, and in essence: our business model.

Besides our many recruitment tasks, we have three other exciting projects to look forward to in the next six months of 2019. We are co-organizing the Career Day in Agro Food Park on September 25th were students and graduates get the chance to meet more than 25 of the leading companies within the food or agricultural business, network with other students and participate in two career preparing workshops. And like last year we will recruit companies and products for the International Food Contest.

We thank you for the trust given to Foodjob Nordic by our clients and candidates and look forward to seeing you all again fully energized and recharged in August.