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Senior Consultant and food enthusiast joins the team at Foodjob Nordic!

We have added a new and talented member to our team – Frank Garbelmann.

Frank comes from a similar position and has spent his career within Human Resources Management from leadership roles to Business partnering.

Frank’s passion and keen interest within recruitment is taking care of the entire process from a to z, to support the search and selection process and to “match make” candidates and companies. Hence, working at the intersection of talented people and systems in the ever-changing business world, is what interests and motivates Frank.

Believing in lifelong learning, Frank has a Master’s degree in International Business Economics at Aalborg University and is at the moment studying to earn a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology at Roskilde University, expect to finalize in June 2019.

Besides his vast experience from previous companies and assignments, Frank brings to Foodjob Nordic a large network and business acumen.

“I am excited to join the team at Foodjob Nordic. For me this is where my passion for food and beverages meets to work in a team dedicated to serve the industry. I look forward to meeting customers and candidates and to work with the Foodjob Nordic team, learning at the same time.”